I love the market so much because the fruits and veggies are very inexpensive. I bought 2 large red onions for $.64! In Whole Foods, across the street, I would have paid at least $1.00. Leaving the green market with bags of stuff never leaves you in too much debt (unless you're my friend Kaitlin who buys obscene amounts of plants on every visit to the market!). Here are some pictures from my lovely Saturday afternoon:
The Greenmarket is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays year round. The best and worst day to go is on Saturday. Best because all the vendors are out in full force, Worst because everyone and their mother is there with dogs and baby strollers and on skateboards. So just be careful.
In returning home in a Spring-y spirit (It was such a gorgeous day on Saturday...It even hit 60 Degrees!) from the market with all my fresh veggies, I was craving my favorite summer soup-Borscht! My mom used to make it when I was younger and I used to love it. I called her up and now (drum roll please) here is my fav summer soup to share as my recipe of the week!
Momma Joy's Cold Red Soup (aka her recipe for Borscht):
(4 Servings per recipe)
4 Large Potatoes
1 Bottle of Manischewitz brand Borscht (this is only the base, I didn't get all semi-homemade on your asses)
1/4 cup White Vinegar
1 Large Red Onion
1 Large White Onion
6 Beets
1 Large Seedless Cucumber
As much Sour Cream as your little heart desires
(Jeanette Tip: Start some boiling water before you gather your ingredients so that by the time you chop up all the potatoes, you'll have a place to throw them. not that genius, I know, but whatevs)
Chop the potatoes and throw them in the boiling water. Leave them until tender. (Note: the smaller you chop them, the quicker they will cook!)
Dump the container of Borscht into your serving dish or tupperware (The best part about cold soup, is that you can make it directly in your serving dish or tupperware!). Add the vinegar little by little. Make sure you don't make it too strong, you can always add more, you can't take it out once you've gone too far!
Chop up the remaining veggies and throw them into the borscht.
That's it for prep. The rest of the magic lies in the presentation. Take a good few spoonfuls of potatoes and put them into the bottom of a bowl. Ladle in the cold borscht mixture over it. Top with sour cream and stir. Enjoy!
Thank you momma Joy for this one. I think I am subconciously hoping that by putting up a summery recipe of the week, spring will get here faster. One can only hope.
until next time, snack well and peace on earth.
I love the market it is my favorite! Everything there is so fresh and tasty!
i know! lets make a greenmarket date!!
Other amazing blog! Just the thought of those Green market cookies makes my mouth water! A big holla out to Momma Joy for this week's recipe! I can't wait to try some!
I personally think that your presentation should be a cooking show -- take the whole three hours.
I love reading your blog -- twice as filling as mc donalds without the calorie count and lingering depression.
aw brandon! you just made my heart melt a little bit. thank you very much. it means a lot. i love reading your blog as well.
cooking for 3 hours? lets run it by morgan ;) we can have a field trip to the closest kitchen!
You will recieve no complaints from me ;)
Mmmm, Jeanette, You have made me want to run down to the greenmarket right now! I love the pictures, and the recipe....sounds delicious, you can never have too many red onions! ;-)
carla! i know!! it's so funny..when i was little, i used to HATE onions, now, you have to stop me from eating them whole!!!
its supposed to be nice this saturday..hopefully it will be a nice greenmarket day!
drinking games, staying away from tourists, eating and shopping.. sounds like my kinda list too, can't wait to see the other top 9!
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